Regulatory Framework for Artificial-Intelligence – A Need of the Hour?

Artificial intelligence (AI) refers to the development of computers that are able to do things, which normally requires human intelligence, without any human intervention at all. The AI is achievable owing to advances in “Deep learning” or “Machine Learning”, in which neural networks are fed information that is used by a computer to make decisions, train itself and adjust based on what it has learned within specific parameters. Such iterations based learning approach is propelling AI forward, thereby attracting major investments into the domain.

In other words, AI based technologies are just now becoming a regular norm and omni-present. The data needed to “teach” computers exists and the storage and processing power to execute deep learning are readily available more than ever. Due to the worldwide need for analyzing massive sets of data, and incredibly complex problems pending for resolution across the world, AI proves to be a strong contender as an antidote to achieve something which possibly could not be accomplished through human ingenuity all alone.

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Great Article!
I’m an MS Student at IIIT-H working around the issues around AI and Software Patents. Can I have a small discussion around this topic?

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